Children’s Sunday Sermon
June 4, 2017
Good morning girls and boys. If you watch the news programs at night with your parents, you know that there is a lot of fighting going on right now in different places around the world. We all pray for the day when people everywhere will be able to settle their differences by talking, instead of fighting. And of course, that is what Jesus wants for us — to live peacefully together. We read in our Bibles today that Jesus said to his followers, “Peace Be with you” (John 20:20). Of course, Jesus was a man of peace. Of course, Jesus wants all nations to live peacefully together. He wants all of God’s children to get along. But when he says, “Peace be with you,” he is not just talking about avoiding fights and quarrels. It’s not a kind of peace that you find outside in the world. No, instead it is the peace that comes from inside when you are filled up with the love of God. That is the peace that Jesus wishes for all of us. President Abraham Lincoln once said that people are as happy as they make up their minds to be. That’s true, isn’t it boys and girls? If we make up our minds to be grumpy, that’s what we’ll be. But if we make up our minds to think of all of the good things in our lives we will discover we have a lot to be happy about. And just the same way we can decide to let the love of Jesus fill our hearts with peace. Then we will want to share that love with others. And then, they too will have peace.
Boys and girls, this week, as you say your bedtime prayers, remember all of the children who live in places where they need peace. And pray also that the love of God will fill each of their hearts so they will know the peace that Jesus offers to us all.
Children’s Sunday Sermon
June 11, 2017
Good morning boys and girls. Today we are going to talk about the word “Salvation.” Maybe you have heard people talking about being ‘saved.’ What does it mean to be “saved?” To be saved is to have what Jesus called Eternal Life. And Eternal life is to be with God, Jesus said. And we have learned that by doing God’s Will, by doing the things that are expected of us we are with God. You see boys and girls Eternal Life is being with God right here and right now!
I would like to share a little poem about Eternal Life with you now. It goes like this:
I have only just a minute, only sixty
seconds in it.
Didn’t seek it, didn’t choose it, but it’s up
to me to use it.
I must suffer if I lose it, give account if
I abuse it.
Just a tiny little minute, but eternity is in it!
That says it all boys and girls! We must use our time, right this very minute to do the work that is expected of us. Like, caring, and sharing, and listening with our heart and most of all, loving one another. And when we do this we will be filled with the peace of Jesus. The more we do this the closer we are to God. And that means the closer we are to salvation.
Children’s Sunday Sermon
June 18, 2017
Good morning boys and girls. This morning I want all of us to pretend that we are chefs in a restaurant and we are planning our menus. Let’s also pretend that our restaurant serves only healthy, nutritious meals. Let’s start with breakfast. We have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it gives us the energy we will need throughout the day to do our good works. How about fruit juice, cantaloupe, and toast for breakfast? That’s a healthy start to the day. Next, there is lunch, the second most important meal for the day because it gives us a lift when we are beginning to run out of energy. How about a turkey sandwich, an apple, some carrot sticks and a glass of milk? That’s a healthy mid-day meal. Now comes dinner. Let’s plan baked chicken, peas and rice. That sounds like a delicious and healthy dinner, doesn’t it boys and girls? And here comes the best part. Desert! How about splurging a little? Maybe a slice of apple pie or some ice cream? That sounds great, doesn’t it boys and girls?
Now I want you to think about another kind of nourishment — our spiritual nourishment. Jesus has been called the Bread of Life. He is always there, right by our side to fill us up with His nourishing love. His love gives us the energy we need throughout the day to do His good works. And we already know where to find the recipes to provide for all of our spiritual nourishment. That’s right — right here in the best recipe book ever for healthy living — our Holy Bibles. And our recipe book gives us the greatest spiritual desert of all, which is Jesus, who is the Bread of Life.
Children’s Sunday Sermon
June 25, 2017
Good morning girls and boys. Today we read in our Bibles that Jesus said, ‘What you hear in whispers, proclaim from the housetop.’ What does this mean? What if someone whispers to us a secret and we go and shout it out loud? That wouldn’t be right boys and girls, would it? No. But there are times Jesus is telling us when it would be right to shout out, loud and clear, something that we have heard whispered into our hearts. And that something is the secret whisper of Jesus’ love for us. Jesus wants us to shout it out loud and clear for everyone to hear, and we can do it in many ways.
We can say I love you with our kindness
towards others
We can say I love you in our willingness
to share our blessings with others.
We can say I love you when we are willing
to forgive others for some wrong they
may have done to us.
And I am sure boys and girls that together we could make an even longer list of ways to show our love for one another. This week, why not make your own list? And I hope that each list will be a long one!