Sermon Illustrations

Worship is the submission of the whole being to the object of worship. It is to declare the need to be fulfilled by God, It is to declare the desire to be under the control…
The famous “Praying Hands” painting was created by Albrecht Durer. Born in Germany in 1471, it is said that, while studying art, Durer and a friend roomed together. However the meager income they earned on…
One Thanksgiving Day, a mother decided to serve her family a genuinely healthy feast. She served a turkey (guaranteed to have been fed on grains free of chemical additives), but she skipped the potatoes and…
Many children have amazing faith in the power of prayer to answer their immediate needs. One twelve-year-old girl went a bit too far with that attitude. Sitting at the kitchen table, the girl’s mother overheard…
The Notre Dame football team was en route to a long awaited game against one of its chief rivals. A reporter met the team at the airport and quickly cornered the team’s coach. “It has…
In a religious midwestern farming community a drought had threatened to ruin the entire season’s crop. In a last ditch effort, the local pastor asked that the entire community assemble at one of the farms…
During an adult Bible Class, the discussion turned to the meaning of prayer. “Ask, and it will be given to you ... for everyone who asks, receives,” the pastor quoted from Jesus’ “Sermon on the…
The legendary Jenny Lind, who toured the United States more than a century ago, was known as the “Swedish Nightingale.” Music experts of her time marvelled at her rich, warm, colorful voice and her remarkable…
A certain pastor delights in telling the true story of a wonderful experience he once had on a clergymen’s retreat. He was assigned to a room which had just been vacated by a little girl…
Dick Van Dyke has recorded some delightful anecdotes about children and religion: A little girl assured her mother that she had said her prayers the night before, but added, “When I got on my knees…
The legendary Hollywood motion picture executive, Samuel Goldwyn, was one of those people who “saves” everything. Through the years, he refused to allow his staff to throw anything away. His secretary began to get the…
A farmer ordered a dozen chickens from his livestock dealer. “I’ll be away all day,” he advised the merchant, “so just leave them on my front porch.” When he returned home that evening, the farmer…
There is a Peanuts cartoon in which little Lucy is telling her brother Linus to get with it, get on the ball, get involved. As Linus stands sucking his thumb and hanging on for dear…
There is an old Buddhist tale of a dead dog, lying by the roadside. Many passed and expressed their aversion. Then came a wise man, and as he looked upon the repulsive object, he said:…
A neighborhood clothing store advertised a “Going Out of Business” sale. It seems the store really was going out of business and the advertised bargains were fantastic. On the morning of the sale, over two…
One afternoon, according to an old Sufi tale, Nasruddin and his friend were sitting in a cafe, drinking tea, and talking about life and love. ”How come you never got married, Nasruddin?” asked his friend…
Years ago, a London newspaper reported the fascinating story of a middle-aged man who regained his sight after being blind since he was just two years of age. The man of course had not remembered…
Ramsay MacDonald, one-time Prime Minister of England, was discussing with another government official the possibility of lasting peace. The latter, an expert on foreign affairs, was unimpressed by the Prime Minister’s idealistic viewpoint. “The desire…
There is an ancient legend about two small boys who were walking slowly, deep in conversation, when they stopped to share an apple. “You cut and I’ll choose,” said one to the other. The other…
A group of artists were asked to paint a picture of peace. While there were many and varied interpretations, the winner was a painting of a small bird calmly sitting in a nest built on…
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