Sermon Illustrations

You can tell with certainty that men, not women, wrote most of the early mythology concerning the creation of the world and the beginning of mankind. You can tell it because of the recurring theme…
A little green man was standing in a village square. “Are you from Mars?” asked one of the villagers. “Yes,” said the little green man. “Are all of you green like that where you come…
Optimists have been described in many ways: An optimist is a man getting married at the age of 75 and looking for a house near a school! An optimist is having three teenage sons and…
A close friend of Leopold Stokowski, the famous orchestra conduutor, has written that Stokowski often said to him, “Don’t ask me about what was, but what is to come.” This was typical of Stokowski’s attitude…
Many of the world’s finest Oriental rugs come from small villages in the Middle East. The rugs are produced by hand by a crew which is directed by a master rug weaver. Most of the…
Close-minded people put others down, Open-minded people are tolerant and understanding. Close-minded people can’t see the good in people who disagree with them, Open-minded people see some good in everyone. Close-minded people mind other people’s…
There is the story of the young Army officer in World War I who was graduated as a second lieutenant a year ahead of time because officers were needed desperately. This young man, who had…
In Bill Cosby’s classic story of “Noah and the Ark,” after building the Ark, Noah has been working for days to get the animals on board. As he struggles to get the second hippopotamus up…
When Noah and his family had completed their journey aboard the ark, they paused for a moment to look back. Noah’s wife suggested they do something with the ark to prevent it from becoming an…
An old gentleman is seated on a train, quietly looking out the window, noticing everything that passes by: the lines of houses, the wire-connected poles, the rolling clouds, the children at play. A woman he…
There was a man who lived in the sixteenth century called Lorenzo D’Medici. He was one of the better members of the famous (sometimes infamous) D’Medici family. They called him “Lorenzo the Magnificent” because he…
Almost four hundred years ago, in the great Italian center of the arts, Florence, a block of the purest marble, seventeen feet high, lay on its side gathering dust in the workyard behind the cathedral.…
”Very truly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies it bears much fruit.” (John 12:24) Clad in the…
In an essay entitled “Overtaken By Joy,” Ardis Whitman writes of a beautiful moment when she was completely overtaken by the Miracle of God’s creation: I had been working all night on a manuscript. it…
Some of you may remember A.J. Cronin’s very popular novel, “The Keys of the Kingdom.” One of the main characters in the book is Father Chisholm, a missionary priest who has worked almost all of…
There is a story about the president of a corporation who called a meeting of all employees just before quitting time one day. Together with a younger, coverall-clad man, he mounted the platform and proceeded…
Comedian Louie Anderson, famous for his brand of self-deprecating humor, authored a best-selling book consisting of letters to his late father. The book is entitled, “Dear Dad — Letters from an adult child.” Anderson, the…
Some of you may have read the best-selling book, “Life After Life,” by Dr. Raymond A. Moody, Jr. The book is a collection of actual case histories of persons who appeared to have died clinically,…
If we should call the sun “moon,” and the moon “sun,” neither sun nor moon would change one iota. The change would be in us. The same is true of our images of the Divine.…
William Jennings Bryan, on mystery: I have observed the power of the watermelon seed. It has the power of drawing from the ground and through itself 200,000 times its weight. When you can tell me…
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