Sermon Illustrations

There is no single thing on earth about which we have total knowledge because all creation is permeated with the ultimate Mystery which is God. In a story by H.G. Wells called “The Soul of…
Albert Einstein once said: “The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious...Whoever does not know it can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, and is as good as dead.”
Consider the mystery of the universe. Many centuries ago, Ptolemy could count no more than one thousand and twenty-two stars; centuries later, Galileo could see five thousand through his telescope. Seventy years ago, scientists’ best…
There is the story about a golfer who set up his ball on the tee, swung mightily and missed. His club hit an ant-hill, killing thousands of ants. He became more and more frustrated as…
Austin Pardue, in his book “Bold To Say,” tells about a woman who lived on a busy street corner in the heart of a large city. One hot summer night she retired early. The telephone…
These lines come from a young Glasgow mother. She calls it, simply, “A Mother’s Prayer.” Oh, God, you know I’m busy each moment of the day; please help me to remember that I still have…
An eight-year-old boy wrote an essay in school entitled, “What a Mom means to a kid”: A mother is a person who takes care of her kids and gets their meals, and if she’s not…
The following true account was quoted in the Shreveport, LA Times: My 81-year-old mother is proud of the fact that she doesn’t look her age. One summer day she went into a drugstore and, talking…
A mother wistfully handed her son a beautifully wrapped package on his 18th birthday. Carefully, he removed the paper and lifted the box cover. Finally, he parted the soft inner-wrapping, revealing the contents: two long…
In a certain Sunday school there were a number of teachers who had been through the same training program. Consequently, they all went about their work using the same techniques. They would share a Bible…
Some people find out who there real friends are precisely when they need them the most. A man lost his entire fortune, suddenly, as the result of one bad investment. The man’s wife confided in…
There is the story about a man who was moving overseas. His life’s savings were tucked away in a big money belt he wore around his waist. On the first night of his journey the…
Biographer Philip Guedella often lectured on the art of writing biography. He used to say that a biographer’s most difficult task is finding out what kind of person his subject really was. And then he…
“As for what was sown among thorns, this is the one who hears the word, but the cares of the world and the lure of wealth choke the word, and it yields nothing” (Matthew 13:22).…
“. . . in the last days there will come times of stress. For we will be lovers of self, lovers of money . . . swollen with conceit . . . holding the form…
The three sons of a lawyer, a doctor, and a minister, respectively, were talking about how much money their fathers earned. The lawyer’s son said, “My father goes into a court on a case and…
A character named “Mr. Pump” appears in a novel by A.A. Milne called “Two People.” At one point in the novel, Mr. Pump, an important London publisher, is described as follows, ...Mr. Pump was not…
A young mother was watching a television news program with her eight-year-old son. The newscaster reported on the stock market, saying, “The value of the dollar is up.” The boy then turned to his mother…
A farmer tells the story of the “Miracle Tree” – an old orange tree on his property which had been badly damaged during a brush fire. Practically all the leaves were burned off and in…
A man observed in wonder the miraculous creation of the six oak trees that stood on his property: In my yard stand magnificent oaks that are more than one-hundred years old. I look at them…
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