Sermon Illustrations

A teacher was giving a lecture on modern inventions. “Can any of you mention something of importance that did not exist fifty years ago?” she asked. One bright lad in the front row raised his…
Two cows were standing in a field grazing when they looked up and saw a milk tanker-truck drive by. Painted on the side of the truck in bright red letters was the following: GLENDALE DAIRY…
A certain pastor was walking the streets of his parish one day, when he encountered a little girl playing in her front yard, alone. “Where is your mother?” he asked the little girl. ”Asleep,” said…
This is a true story. One day, as a big, high-rise apartment building was nearing completion, only two workers remained, putting the finishing touches on the inside of the great incinerator chimney. As their work…
A little girl was visiting a beautiful cathedral with her aunt. It was late afternoon and the sun’s rays were streaming through a stained glass window that featured the figures of several saints. The little…
A teacher asked her pupils to make up a list of eleven great men. As the class was busy writing, she walked between the desks, and noticed one little lad chewing the end of his…
A man was telling his friend about the time not long ago when the people of the world had become so corrupt and immoral and degenerate and faithless, and conditions had become so intolerable, that…
There was a seminary professor who was much admired by his students because he always managed to keep his spiritual vitality at a high peak. Clearly he was a man who had found rest for…
There was a young man named Buddy who spent two years working in the oil fields of New Mexico in order to earn money for college. One winter day, when he was ninety-feet up on…
When Khrushchev pronounced his famous denunciation of Stalin, someone in the Congress Hall is reported to have said, “Where were you, Comrade Khrushchev, when all these innocent people were being slaughtered?” Khrushchev paused, looked around…
God’s Wheel God says to me with kind of a smile, ”Hey how would you like to be God for a while And steer the world?” ”Okay,” says I, “I’ll give it a try. Where…
Aesops’ Fables includes the story of a man who owned a proud and handsome horse and an ugly, broken-down old donkey. One day, as they set out on a long journey, the man placed the…
Two shipwrecked sailors had been adrift on a raft for days. Desperate, one knelt and began to pray: “Oh Lord, I know I haven’t lived a good life. I’ve drunk too much booze. I’ve lied…
A young boy spent a month each summer with his parents in an old farmhouse in New Hampshire. The house was one-hundred and fifty years old when it first came into his family’s hands and…
Along with faith comes understanding that we are all the children of God, no matter what our individual differences may be. A girl asked her new seven-year-old neighbor, “What Church do you go to?” “I…
From the recent bestseller “Growing Up Isn’t Hard To Do If You Start Out As A Kid,” author David Heller shares the results of hundreds of hours of interviews with children between the ages of…
A man called his local bank and asked to speak to someone who could answer his question about C.D.’s. “Do you want conversion or redemption?” the receptionist asked. The man hesitated for a moment and…
As was his ritual, a kindly-looking old man would arrive at the same park bench at precisely the same time each day. The man would sit quietly, whittling on a piece of wood, acknowledging passersby…
The Indian language is not easy to translate. When the various Indian tribes converse with one another, they use a kind of universal sign language. The following is a version of the Twenty-third psalm which…
The best high school quarterback in the State was recruited by dozens of major universities. Although he was Jewish, the young man decided to attend the University of Notre Dame. When he returned home for…
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