Assurance | Compassion | Faith | Peace | Strength | Trust

Give me peace, O God, a central peace.
Let me know that at the heart of turbulence
there is the final calm that comes from faith in you,
that at the core of life
there is the great confidence
whence come courage and gladness.
When I leave my private place of prayer,
let me go with the assurance
that I carry within the central peace
that no agitation can shake.
Give me a standing place in life
where from I may be able to look steadily.
I see the divisions among human beings
and hear the shouts of hatred and anger.
Keep me from being content with things as they are.
Out of my central peace,
let there ripple forth concern and compassion,
indignation at injustice,
and a willingness to give of myself
in the spirit of Christ.

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