Assurance | Faith | Fear | Forgiveness | Promise | Success

I found the following item in The Bread Line, newsletter of the Colby Presbyterian Church, Colby, Kansas over the signature of my former colleague Steve Wing. In the early days of our country a weary traveler came to the banks of the Mississippi River for the first time. There was no bridge. It was early winter, and the surface of the mighty stream was covered with ice. Could he dare cross over? Would the uncertain ice be able to bear his weight? Night was falling, and it was urgent that he reach the other side. Finally, after much hesitation and with many fears, he began to creep cautiously across the surface of the ice on his hands and knees. For he thought that thus he might distribute his weight as much as possible and keep the ice from breaking beneath him. About half way over he heard the sound of singing behind him. Out of the dusk there came a…

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