Blessing | Discipline | Marriage | Sanctification/ Risk | Trial

Along comes the clever harlot, namely natural reason, looks at married life, turns up her nose and says: ‘Why, must I rock the baby, wash its diapers, change its bed, smell its odor, heal its rash, take care of this and take care of that, do this and do that? It is better to remain single and live a quiet and carefree life. I will become a priest or a nun and tell my children to do the same.’ But what does the Christian faith say? The father opens his eyes, looks at these lowly, distasteful and despised things and knows that they are adorned with divine approval as with the most precious gold and silver. God, with his angels and creatures, will smile — not because diapers are washed, but because it is done in faith.” Martin Luther, “Concerning Married Life,” 1522, as reported in Martin Marty’s Context May 15, 1983, page 6.

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