God gives heroes of the Bible very little comfort. Sideshow religion sells comfort. Comfort is the theme of so many of the hymns that are sung in the church. The “comfortable words” are the ones we select from the lectionary. That’s all right. They are there and they ought to be read. But you also ought to read the stories of the heroes in the Bible, the pilgrims of faith. Surprisingly, God treats them roughly. To the complaining Job, God says, “Stand up on your feet like a man. I have something to show you.” To Elijah who is hiding from Jezebel in a cave, God says, “Get out of here. I have something better for you to do with your life.” To Moses, hiding on his father-in-law’s farm in Midian, not wanting to go back to the dangers of Egypt, complaining that he can’t be a leader, God says, “I don’t care if you don’t think you’re a leader, I’ll tell…
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