Care | Christ | Christmas | Consecration | Incarnation | Worldliness

I. Thou shalt not leave Christ out of Christmas, making it ‘Xmas’ for this is the sign that thou art lazy-minded, and spiritually listless. To most minds ‘X’ stands not for Christ, but for the algebraic unknown. II. Thou shalt not value thy gifts by their cost, for verily many shall signify love that is more blessed and beautiful than silver and gold. III. Thou shalt give thyself with thy gifts. Thy love and thy service shall increase the value of thy gift a hundredfold, and he that receiveth it shall treasure it. IV. Thou shalt not let Santa Claus take the place of Jesus Christ . In many homes, Santa Claus supercedes the Christ Child and Christmas becomes a mere fairy tale. V. Thou shalt not burden thy servant. The shop girl, the servant and the merchant should have consideration. VI. Thou shalt not neglect the church. Its Christmas services are planned to help spiritualize the Holy Christmas…

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