Care | Gift | Greed | Self | Stewardship

I heard a great story (true) the other day about new definitions of tithing. One of our members, Cliff Beggs, used to work in fund raising. He told me about a time when he was involved in an every member canvass back on the east coast. He was calling in a home of some people he did not personally know. They welcomed them to the home with a great deal of enthusiasm and friendliness. When Cliff explained that he was there in regard to the stewardship campaign the man immediately said, “Oh, that’s terrific. I certainly do approve. I do believe in tithing and I’m happy to participate.” As soon as Cliff heard he was a tither he figured that this man would have a very substantial pledge to make to the church. But when the man filled out the card and handed it to him it was very small, something like a dollar or so a week. Cliff…

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