One day while living in Louisville, KY and serving as a student pastor of a small church in the county, our daughter, Pam, who was only three at the time, was playing with the two children next door. They were of the Catholic faith and had obviously been talking about their priest. Their mother walked up on them just in time to hear Pam ask, “Just who do you keep calling ‘Father’ all the time?” [She knew they didn’t mean their Daddy.] Then the mother chimed in so as to shed some light on the conversation, “You see, Pam, we call our preacher, Father.” Not to be outdone, Pam simply replied, “Huh, that’s nothin’, so do we!” On another occasion, we were riding along with this same lady and her children and Pam in the back seat. I had previously lectured Pam on proper English, explaining that she was never to say, “I don’t have none,” but rather, “I don’t have…
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