Dr. Lou Smedes of Fuller Seminary, on the topic “Why Do You Believe?”, searches out the reasons, real and imagined, for our belief. Included in the sermon was this quotable observation on the key role of the family in developing belief: May I share with you some reasons why I believe? All good reasons, none of them the really real reason. There’s my family. I believe because I was brought up in a believing family. I don’t make any bones about that. I don’t know what would have happened to me if I had been born in the depths of Manchuria of a Chinese family. I just don’t know. I do know that I was led to believe in the love of God as soon as I should eat my oatmeal. We did a lot of believing in our house. We didn’t have much else to do, as a matter of fact. Other kids sang “Jesus loves me this…
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