Christ | Repentance | Sanctification/ Atonement | Sin | Sports

At a recent preaching seminar I heard Ian Pitt-Wattson tell the following true story which a student named Bill had shared from his own life in a student sermon at Fuller Theological Seminary: “When I was a young boy I fell in love with golf and my parents gave me a club and a harmless whiffle-type golf ball which I could hit around the back yard. I loved to swing the club and the feeling of hitting the ball — even though it would not go very far because of its lightness and all the holes in it. One day, thinking my parents weren’t home, I had the overwhelming temptation to feel the click of a real ball against the club head. I teed it up and gave it a hard whack. Unfortunately the ball was not hit properly and it hooked sharply from its intended flight and the ball went directly for one of the windows of…

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