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We often find stories of competitors who are able to reach out and befriend one another even in the hard-ball world of business. This last week I’ve read John Sculley’s book, Odyssey: Pepsi To Apple. It is the fascinating story of the man who left the presidency of Pepsi Cola to become the head of Apple Computer and the turmoil he went through in shifting from a Second-Wave corporation like Pepsico to a Third-Wave company like Apple, and the agony of eventually tossing out Steve Jobs, the co- founder of Apple. A most gripping book. But, when Sculley was at the bottom of the pit, and wrestling with his situation, he had an interesting experience when he and his wife Leezy were invited to spend a weekend at the Maine home of Tom Watson, Jr. of IBM fame. They had become friends with Lucinda Mehran, Tom’s daughter. Sculley tells it this way: Every experience stands out when you’re in a crisis. When…

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