Commitment | Failure | Forgiveness | Health | Salvation | Trust | Trustworthy

In World War I a fine lad in the battalion with which I was serving failed through illness in face of the enemy and was court-martialed and punished. All that the colonel said to me was, “We must show him that we still trust him, or the lad will go to pieces.” And not once did he allude to the unhappy incident, but not only treated the boy with the old friendliness, but a few weeks later in a particularly tight corner put him in command of the very company with whom he had been when he made his slip. In a few days’ grim fighting the lad won honor after honor, and promotion for gallantry in the field. “What else could I do?” he said to me. “I failed him; and he trusted me.” From Arthur Gossip in Interpreter’s Bible, Volume XIII

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