Communication | Desire | Materialism | Motivation | Priorities | Statistics | Worldliness

According to William Meyers in The Image Makers, Madison Avenue’s most widely used categorization of people in our society is that suggested by SRI International’s VALS (Values and Life-Styles). This divides people into five basic groups, as follows: BELONGERS: The typcial traditionalist, the cautious and conforming conservative. Archie Bunker is a Belonger; he believes in God, country and family. These are those who are the staunch defenders of the status quo (33% of the population). EMULATORS: Not so set in their ways, a small but impressionable group of young people in desperate search of an identity and a place in the adult working world. They will do almost anything to fit in. They lack self-confidence and are discouraged about their prospects. They are into hedonism, and finding solutions to their postadolescent dilemmas (about 15% of the population). EMULATOR-ACHIEVERS: America’s materialists, have it made already — own a Mercedes, drink Dom Perignon, shop at Tiffany’s or Gucci’s. They are a bit frustrated, just below…

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