Deceit | Honesty | Humor | Marriage | Truth

A woman and her husband were invited to her rich aunt’s home for dinner. The wife instructed her husband to be sure and be nice to her aunt as she was getting up in years and appreciated the attention. After dinner had been served and the dessert came, her aunt explained that she had baked the cake herself, from an original recipe. The niece’s husband ate a huge piece of it and said, “I must say this is the best cake I have ever tasted.” On the way home from the party, his wife said, “Why did you say that was the best cake you had ever tasted? It was awful. I bake better cakes than that all the time.” The husband replied, “I know you do, but you told me to be nice to her and I told the truth when I said, I must say this is the best cake I ever tasted.” From Harry Emerson Fosdick, Living Under…

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