Don’t Miss The Scenery!

**As for Mary, she treasured all these things, and pondered them in her heart** (Luke 2:19).

Luke 2:19
Numbers 6:22-27; Psalms 67:1-3,5-6,8; Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 2:16-21

Sermon Week/Year

Octave of Christmas,

Sermon Topic

New Year,

The late Eddie Cantor emerged during the 1930’s as one of America’s most popular radio entertainers. Because of a song he sang called “Ida”, and because he made frequent references to his family in his comedy routines, everyone knew that Mrs. Cantor’s name was “Ida” and that she and Eddie had raised five daughters. Whenever he was interviewed about his phenomenal success, Eddie would recall all the hard work he had put into his career as a young man — long hours, always on the move. And he would also recall some words of advice his grandmother gave him during the early days of his struggle to achieve stardom. “Eddie,” she said, “don’t go too fast or you will miss the scenery.” At first, Eddie didn’t listen to his wise grandmother’s advice. Instead, he kept up the hectic pace for a long time, until one night, after the successful opening of a new show, Eddie was celebrating backstage with a large group of admirers. In…

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