A thief picked a man’s pocket on a crowded elevator. As the result of quick police action, he was arrested and brought before the local Magistrate. “You are charged with stealing another person’s wallet,” said the Magistrate. “How do you plead: guilty or not guilty?” To which the pickpocket replied, “How can I tell, your honor, until I have heard the evidence.”
In today’s Gospel Lesson, a woman accused of adultery is not asked to plead “guilty” or “not guilty.” The evidence is already in. She was caught in the act and, according to the law, the punishment is death, by stoning. The religious leaders handling the case bring the woman to Jesus.
Jesus had spent the night in prayer on the Mount of Olives. Now, at dawn, He has returned to the Temple. People have gathered around Him to hear Him speak, and the scribes and Pharisees see the accused woman’s situation as an opportunity to discredit Him. In full view of…
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