Mark 1:15
Mark 1:14-20
Sermon Week/Year
Sermon Topic
Repent! There is that command from the Lord Jesus again! It’s time to ask yourself once again, “What does repentance mean for my life? Does it mean anything at all for my life?”
We may be a bit fuzzy on the meaning of repentance, but we can be certain that it involves more — much more — than a little fine-tuning of the way we live from day to day. It means changing radically the way we live from day to day…
_Repentance penetrates the crusts of piety we wrap around ourselves as a protective shield against any serious change in our lifestyle;
_Repentance begins inside the heart and turns life upside down for us, and right side up for God;
_Repentance reverses our priorities, upsets our values, turns our pockets inside out;
_Repentance shatters our systems of security and hangs us on the thin thread we call the “Will of God”;
_Repentance revolts against the devil we have…
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