Matthew 5:3
Matthew 5:1-12
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With the birth of Christ, a great joy is proclaimed which lays aside all the questions and all the imponderables. A great joy is proclaimed which clears the way for women and men to come to a decision that makes sense out of their life, for all time.
Jesus has come into the world that we “might have life, and have it to the full” (Jn. 10:10). Human beings are born for life. So says the Bible, and so says our very nature. Born for life! This means that we humans are endowed with a spiritual dimension that is “immortal” (our soul). It means that we are capable of making decisions. It means that we are capable of freely self-giving. It means that we are oriented toward a perfection, a fulfillment of our life. However, we soon discover that although the perfection we naturally hope for is unlimited, nevertheless our actual experience of it is limited — so much so that, at times, our…
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