John 6:58
John 6:51-58
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A pious woman had a dream one night in which one of the town’s best-known scoundrels died and was on his way to heaven. But, because of many misdeeds, the way to heaven wasn’t easy for him. He had to climb a ladder so tall that it reached up far above the clouds. As he climbed the ladder, the man was required to make a chalk mark on each rung for each sin he had committed. As the woman’s dream ended, she saw the man coming back down the ladder. “What are you doing?” the woman asked. “I’m coming down for more chalk,” the man replied.
We sin, all of us. And if we think of our life’s goal in terms of a step-by-step process drawing ever closer to God by acknowledging our sinfulness and our need to change, like that man on the ladder, we are likely to run out of chalk from time-to-time.
“I am the Bread of Life,” Jesus said…
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