Get in Line!

"... Your faith has made you well; go in peace" 

Mark 5:34
Wisdom 1:13-15,2:23-24; Psalm 30:2,4-6,11-13; II Corinthians 8:7,9,13-15; Mark 5:21-43

A recent magazine cartoon depicts a man approaching several people standing in a line along a beautiful shoreline as the sun sets over the ocean. One of those assembled looks at the man and says, “Hey! If you’re here to marvel at the smallness of your existence within a glorious, vast, and unknowable universe, there’s a line!” -1

If you have been pondering your existence in the grand scheme of things, you are certainly not alone. In other words, “get in line.” Today’s Gospel Lesson confronts us with God’s vast, glorious, and unknowable healing Power in Jesus Christ. After Jesus crossed the sea of Galilee to the other side, a large crowd gathered around him, and he stayed close to the sea. A woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years had spent all her money on doctors, but none could cure her. Many of the so-called remedies given by physicians in Biblical times we would regard as sheer quackery. One remedy…

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