Just Do It!

Whoever remains in Me, with me in Him, bears fruit, in plenty

John 15:5
Acts 9:26-31; Psalm 22:26-27,28,30,31-32; I John 3:18-24; John 15:1-8

Sermon Week/Year

Fifth Sunday of Easter, B

Theologian Bernard Haring tells the moving story of his visit to a little Church in Bavaria where he had been invited to preach. He says that as he went into the Church for the first time, he felt something. This happens in some Churches; you can feel the Presence, the Grace. And, as the people were worshipping, this feeling came over him again. Once more, it happened when the people began talking with one another as they left the Church building. Mr. Haring started to look for the secret of this wonderful atmosphere. Perhaps, he thought, it was the pastor or his assistants? But the pastor said, “No. It isn’t us. Come, I’ll show you.” So, he took Mr. Haring to the home of an older woman who had been crippled by arthritis for twenty-five years. She had become so disabled that she was unable even to feed herself. But, as they walked into her room, Bernard Haring said he again felt this deep sense…

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