Better than Sliced Bread!

"I am the Good Shepherd: the Good Shepherd is one who lays down His life for his sheep" 

John 10:11
Acts 4:8-12; Psalm 118:1,8-9,21-23,26,28,29; I John 3:1-2; John 10:11-18

Sermon Week/Year

Fourth Sunday of Easter, B

The famous German play, “Faust,” was inspired by a sixteenth-century magician who claimed to be in league with the devil. In one version of the legend, Faust makes a pact with Satan. He sells his soul not for wealth, power, or immortality but because he is overcome by his inability to discover the meaning of life. Consequently, he bargains with the Devil to reveal it to him in exchange for his very soul. In the play, there is a very moving scene in which Faust is in a state of final despair. He is so frustrated and discouraged about his problem with life that he decides to commit suicide. He is about to drink from a beaker of poison when suddenly he hears a tremendous choir singing beautiful Easter music. And it gets through to him. He drops the poison and begins to weep. As the author says beautifully, “His tears gush forth, and earth takes back her child.” 

That is precisely what…

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