August 7, 2016
We turn toward God,
We listen to His Word,
We bow before His Majesty,
We strive to do His Will,
We thank Him for His gifts
We worship Him!
Penitential Prayer
For our lack of hope in God’s promise …
turning toward self instead of turning toward God;
listening to the world instead of listening to God;
bowing before the glitter of material things instead of bowing before the majesty of God;
striving to do the will of the devil instead of striving
to do the Will of God;
we earnestly beg God’s mercy and we humbly thank God for still another chance.
We go into the world as faithful servants of the Lord who have willingly accepted the gift of hope in the unforeseen.
Let us try to convince our brothers and sisters everywhere that they can expect the unexpected from a God who keeps His promises.
August 14, 2016
Together, we form the community of Christ.
Together, we form the community of love.
Together, we form the community of peace.
Penitential Prayer
Frequently, the people and events of the world are
alienating. It seems that walls are built within the family.
Given the complexities and problems of our world,
it is our duty as Christians to remove these walls,
but we are often remiss in this duty:
We manifest hostilities,
We harbor suspicions,
We exercise anger,
We foster hate,
and we promote iniquities.
Father, we are sorry for contributing to the world’s problems.
August 21, 2016
We are gathered to share in the
sacraments of eternal salvation;
Let our hearts be made worthy.
Penitential Prayer
Father, we are guilty of envy,
guilty of greed,
guilty of jealousy,
guilty of hate,
and guilty of selfishness.
Father, we acknowledge our sins, and pray
for corrective grace.
Not one wish, one hope, one prayer goes
unfulfilled or unanswered.
Turn your needs to Christ.
August 28, 2016
Praise the power of the Lord!
Praise Him in the movements of a dance;
Praise Him in the words of a song;
Praise Him in the tasks of your work;
Praise Him in the depths of your heart;
Praise the power of the Lord!
Penitential Prayer
Father, we confess that sometimes we are too proud.
Our pride stands in the way of charity.
Our pride stands in the way of forgiveness.
Our pride stands in the way of kindness.
Our pride stands in the way of wisdom.
Our pride stands in the way of courage.
Our pride stands in the way of strength.
Our pride stands in the way of tolerance.
Yes, Father, we confess that sometimes we are too proud, but, now, we put aside our pride and ask Your forgiveness.
Let us make our way now to the lowest place.
Let us make the needs and the concerns of others our number one priority.