August 5, 2018
Let our voices join
’til they are one;
Let our minds join
’til they are one;
Let our hearts join
’till they are one;
Let our Spirits join
’til they are one.
Penitential Prayer
Heavenly Father, Jesus has said …
“Love one another such as My love has been
for you, so must your love be for each other.
This is how all will know you for My disciples:
your love for one another” (John 14:34-35).
Heavenly Father,
For pretending that it is possible to love You
and, at the same time have something against
our brother,
we ask forgiveness.
For pretending that it is possible to love You
deeply and, at the same time have only a shallow
love for one another,
we ask forgiveness.
For pretending that it requires only an hour or
so on Sunday to do Your work,
we ask forgiveness.
Heavenly Father,
we confess that we have not been regarding the
job You have given us to do as the work of a
Heavenly Father, we ask forgiveness for not
listening to Your message of joy.
May your soul always bathe in the light of
God’s Love.
Go in peace, spreading the Word.
Go in peace sharing the Love.
August 12, 2018
Set aside your defenses,
we are drawing near the Lord.
Set aside your preconceptions,
we are drawing near the Lord.
Set aside your prejudices,
we are drawing near the Lord.
Penitential Prayer
Father, we confess that we have strayed from Your peaceful pastures …
strayed from Your Divine Word;
strayed from Your righteous justice;
strayed from Your soothing love;
strayed from Your abundant gifts.
Father, we confess that we have strayed from Your peaceful pastures and pray that You will lead us Home.
Go in humility,
for this is the way of the Lord.
Go in peace,
for this is the gift of your faith.
August 19, 2018
We return to praise the Father of us all.
In praising God,
you will conquer fear.
In praising God,
you will conquer conflict.
In praising God,
you will conquer anxiety.
Praise God!
Penitential Prayer
Heavenly Father, we acknowledge our unworthiness.
Sometimes our faith grows thinner than paper;
Sometimes our prayers grow weaker than thread;
Sometimes our hearts grow harder than rock;
Sometimes our words grow hotter than fire;
Sometimes our hope grows darker than night;
Sometimes our egos grow greater than space;
Sometimes our compassion grows colder than ice.
Heavenly Father, we acknowledge our unworthiness, and we humbly beg Your forgiveness.
Go into the world singing the glory of God.
Go into the world praising the Father of us all.
Go into the world as conquerors of fear, conflict and anxiety.
August 26, 2018
Our Savior is a kindly, gentle, loving Savior.
Let us announce the wonder of our kindly, gentle Loving Savior.
Penitential Prayer
forgive us for our social neglect;
forgive us for our familial neglect;
forgive us for our community neglect.
Father, we acknowledge that our involvement in the spirit of loving service is often lacking.
Father, for this lack of involvement we ask Your blessed forgiveness.
Put aside your fears!
Get involved!
Get involved in your Christian
ministry of loving service.