Prayers For Worship December 2010

PRAYERS FOR WORSHIP December 5, 2010
Prepare the way of the Lord;
prepare His way in our Church,
prepare His way in our community,
prepare His way in our homes,
prepare His way in our lives.
Come, let us prepare the way of the Lord.

Penitential Prayer
Forgive us, Father, if we are not heeding the words of John the Baptist — if we are not preparing the way of the Lord.
Forgive us, Lord, if we are leaving boulders of sin in
Your path.
Forgive us, Lord, if we have publicly walked the high road by day and have sneaked into the alleys by night.
Forgive us, Lord, if we have neglected to trim away the
underbrush; if we have allowed the vines of business
and luxuries and sports and cars and money and
prestige to overgrow our lives until there is no more
room for You.
May this Advent season be for us a time of clearing away the underbrush, of walking the high road, and of removing the rocks in the road, so that Your coming to us will be swift and joyful.

May the love of the Father who plans,
the salvation of the Son who secures,
and the presence of the Spirit who enlightens,
be yours to keep and to treasure forever.

PRAYERS FOR WORSHIP December 12, 2010
If you have come to worship your Messiah,
we welcome you
and pray that you will be enriched.
If you have come seeking a Messiah,
we welcome you
and pray that you will find Him.

Penitential Prayer
Forgive us, Lord, if we have lived as if Christ had never come —
as if He had preached no Sermon on the Mount;
as if He had left no example of love and unconditional acceptance;
as if He had left no model of simplicity in life-style;
as if He had left no pattern of complete self-giving;
as if He had provided no forgiveness of our sins;
as if He had not provided new life for those who
follow Him.

Forgive us, Lord, if we have lived as if Christ had never come.

Return to your homes rejoicing,
for the Christ has indeed come,
and He walks with you
as you go on your way.

PRAYERS FOR WORSHIP December 19, 2010
Come, let us worship the Lord,
let us call upon the name of Yahweh,
for He has revealed Himself in our likeness,
and has saved us through His Son.

Penitential Prayer
If we have spent so much time shopping that we have had little time to spend with those we are shopping for,

Forgive us, and give us sensitivity.
If we have been busy practicing for the Christmas programs but haven’t thought about what they mean,
Forgive us, and give us understanding.
If we have been faithful in rehearsing the Christmas Hymns, but haven’t thought about the words,

Forgive us, and put a song in our hearts.
If we have worried about how much Christmas is going to cost, but have given little thought to our treasures in heaven,
Forgive us, and give us perspective.
If we have thought much about Christmas 2010 but have thought little about the meaning of the first Christmas,
Forgive us, and give us insight.

May the salvation that was announced to Joseph
be your salvation.
May the love that was conceived by God
be your love.
May the Life that was born of Mary
be your life.

PRAYERS FOR WORSHIP December 25, 2010
Our God is the Alpha and the Omega,
the beginning and the end.
Before the beginning of the world He was;
and after the ending of the world He will be.
Come, let us worship the timeless One,
for with Him we will share eternity.
Penitential Prayer
We confess, Father, that the words, “Peace on earth, good will among men” seem rather out of place here.

There seems to be so little peace among the nations
of the world.
There seems to be so little peace between nations,
religions, factions and politicians.
There seems to be so little peace in our schools, in our
neighborhoods and on our streets.
There seems to be so little peace in our shops, our
businesses, our unions and our factories.
There seems to be so little peace in our homes and our
family circles.
Forgive us, Lord, for what we have contributed to the
turbulence of our times.
Forgive us where we have failed to embody the love, the
patience and the forgiveness of Jesus Christ.
Forgive us when we have neglected to be peacemakers,
standing by idly in the midst of increasing hostility.
Enable us, in a small way, to be the fulfillment of the angel’s prophecy that there will be peace on earth, good will among men.

May the peace the angels proclaimed,
the joy the shepherds experienced,
the wonder the wise men expressed,
be with you forever,
now and to the end of time.

PRAYERS FOR WORSHIP December 26, 2010
As members of the blessed community of Christ — the holy family of Christ — we greet one another in the Spirit of Christlike love.

Penitential Prayer
Lord, forgive us for doubting that our works of love in the Lord’s service, especially in our family relationships, are a necessary contribution to the fulfillment of God’s Plan of Redemption.

Lord, forgive us, for failing to uphold the virtues of loyalty, integrity, fidelity and humanity as living examples of Christian family living for our children

May the providence of the Father who hovers over you, the Presence of the Son who stands beside you, and the power of the Spirit who lives within you, be the strength of your life.

May the power of the Holy Family of God be with you as you go on your way.

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