Prayers For Worship December 2017

December 3, 2017
Be ever watchful for the coming of the Lord.
watchful where we worship,
watchful where we dwell,
watchful where we work, and study and play.
Be ever watchful for the coming of the Lord.

Penitential Prayer
Merciful Father …
Because we have not lived by faith,
Because we have resisted Your Holy Spirit,
Because we have neglected Your Message of hope,
Because we have strayed from our appointed watch,
Because we have ignored the true signs of Your coming,
Because we have not loved one another as Jesus has loved us,

Merciful Father …
We beg Your pardon. We ask Your help, that we may position ourselves to accept Your Advent promise of eternal fulfillment in an attitude of joyful expectation.

Go and watch, patiently.
Go, and wait, hopefully,
for the Lord is surely coming.
Stay awake!

December 10, 2017
Come, at Christ’s invitation,
all you who have sinned and need to be forgiven;
all you who hunger for life and need to be nourished;
all you who accept God’s abundance and need to give thanks;
all you who experience God’s love and need to give praise.

Penitential Prayer
Forgive us, Father,
if we have blindly followed our own selfish desires;
if we have transgressed against Your Sacred Law;
if we have left undone those things which ought to be done;
if we have done those things which ought not to be done;
if we have remained entrapped in our narrow prejudices;
if we have spurned the glorious freedom that comes in serving others.

Father, we confess our sins, individually and as a community.
Father, forgive us, one and all!

“For I am certain
that neither death nor life,
nor angels nor principalities,
neither the present nor the future,
nor powers, nor height, nor depth,
nor any other creature
will be able to separate us from the love of God that comes to us in Jesus Christ, our Lord”

Jesus speaks to us.
Jesus teaches us.
Jesus comforts us.
Jesus loves us.

Now, Jesus sends us to comfort and to love our neighbors.

December 17, 2017
Enter the house of the Lord, for worship.
Tarry in the house of the Lord, for Light.

Penitential Prayer
Blessed are the enlightened:
they care about the human problems most people ignore;
they speak up for the poor and the oppressed who cannot speak for themselves;
they call for forgiveness when others call for blood;
they give of themselves without asking, “What’s in it for me?”
they are loyal to the Rule of God while others sell out to the idols of pleasure and convenience;

Blessed are the enlightened! Father, forgive our refusal to see the Light!

Go, in peace —
not the peace of complacency,
nor the peace of indifference,
nor the peace of self-delusion,
nor the peace of nostalgia for a former time.
Go, in the peace of Christ. Go, and serve your brothers and sisters in need.

Go forth from the house of the Lord to testify to the Light.

December 24, 2017
Enter, and have no fear …
His Name is “Emmanuel,”
A Name which means “God is with us.”

Have no fear …
God is with us!
Christmas is coming!
The signs are everywhere!

Penitential Prayer
We have come here on the first day of the week,
to be met by the living Christ.
Enable us, O Lord,
to know His Presence,
to know His touch,
to know His power.
Then inspire us, O Lord,
to share with others
His hope
His joy,
His life.

Forgive us Lord for our many failures to experience Your enabling and Inspiring Presence.

Beloved brethren —
Go in peace,
Love the brethren,
Pray without ceasing,
Be of good courage,
Keep the faith,
Be filled with the Spirit.

December 25, 2017
“Arise Jerusalem, and shine like the sun;
The glory of the Lord is shining on you!”

This is a day of great glory,
for Jesus our Lord has been born!

May we,
and reflect the Light of the Lord!

Penitential Prayer
“The light shines on in darkness,
a darkness that did not overcome it.”

Lord, we confess we often hide our Christian Light.

In the dark times of war,
we do not light the way of peace.
In the pitch blackness of poverty,
we do not show the light of charity.
In the shadows of prejudice,
we do not shine the light of brotherhood.
In the grey areas of society’s laws,
we do not light the flame of Christian morality.
In the colorless void of social indifference,
we do not hold up the candle of Christian

We are sorry, Lord,
that the light in our soul burns so dimly.
We are ashamed of our sputtering flame,
in the presence of Your brilliance.

“The people who walked in darkness
have seen a great light.
They lived in a land of shadows
but now light is shining on them”

Go now on this day of great glory
and proclaim the birth of our Lord,

December 31, 2017
As members of the blessed community of Christ — the holy family of Christ — we greet one another in the Spirit of Christlike love.

Penitential Prayer
Lord, forgive us for doubting that our works of love in the Lord’s service, especially in our family relationships, are a necessary contribution to the fulfillment of God’s Plan of Redemption.

Lord, forgive us, for failing to uphold the virtues of loyalty, integrity, fidelity and humanity as living examples of Christian family living for our children.

May the providence of the Father who hovers
over you, the Presence of the Son who stands beside you, and the power of the Spirit who lives within you, be the strength of your life.

May the power of the Holy Family of God be with you on your way.

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