Prayers For Worship March 2016

Come unto the House of the Lord —
You who are lost
will be sheltered;
You who are fallen
will be lifted;
You who are pained
will be relieved;
You who are harassed
will be comforted.

Penitential Prayer
If we could sin no more, Father, we would do so;
But we are mere mortals, and we fall repeatedly
into the traps of sin.

Father, forgive us if we
have been trapped by selfishness;
have bee trapped by lust;
have been trapped by greed;
have been trapped by anger;
have been trapped by ignorance;
have been trapped by hate;
have been trapped by violence;
have been trapped by superficiality;
have been trapped by pride.

For Father, we pray that You will spring these traps
and free us for Your life of Grace.

Every second
of every hour
of every day
God dwells within us.
Keep His Temple clean.
Peace be with you.

We are one in the Father,
We are one in the Son,
We are one in the Holy Spirit.
When we work, play, worship and pray,
Let us do these things as one.

Penitential Prayer
Father, we know that the water of baptism purified our bodies, hearts, souls, and minds, but human error has allowed us to retarnish our vital parts.
Father, we come before You with the hope of recleansing ourselves; with the hope that You will reclaim us into Your heart.
Father, we ask forgiveness for our sins; we ask for
strength to keep us in the purifying Light of Almighty God’s Love.

Your sins are forgiven,
Your lives are made new,
Your faith is your treasure,
Your light will shine through.

Friends of Christ!
Come, and share your
and joys
with Jesus.

Penitential Prayer
Lord, we have been miserably unfaithful in our
friendship with You by
rejecting those who should be friends
ignoring those who are friends.

Forgive us, Lord for being exclusive when choosing friends.
Forgive us for betraying Your Friendship.

Rejoice, we are an honored People!
For Jesus who is
our Teacher
our Master
our Lord
has called us “Friend”!

Rejoice, for in His Friendship
we are truly blessed!

We come together
to sit at the foot of the cross —
to meditate upon the depth of His suffering.
to marvel at the greatness of His Love,
and to consider the meaning of His sacrifice.

Penitential Prayer
For the sins committed against ourselves;
for our neglect of body, mind, spirit —
Lord, show us Your mercy!

For the wrongs done to others —
to those we profess to love,
to those we pretend do not even exist —
Lord, show us Your mercy!

For the failures of our community
to meet the obligations of justice and charity,
Lord, show us Your mercy!

For these, and for all our sins,
Lord, show us Your mercy!

Bear proudly the symbol of the cross.
Live in the shadow of the cross.
March to the sign of the cross.
Conquer with the power of the cross.
For the Christ of the cross lives.

We do not mourn the Christ this day;
We do not attend to His remains;
We do not “remember” Him in any “past” sense.

The stone is rolled away;
The death shroud is removed.
Jesus’ body is not here.
The Lord has conquered death.
He is risen as He said.

Our hearts are filled with joy!
Our voices ring out joy!

Penitential Prayer
Forgive us, Father,
for taking the narrow view of life, forgetting about
Your Master Plan for our fulfillment;
for being over-anxious about money and other
material things;
for becoming discouraged by physical and emotional
disabilities and embittered by sickness and death;

Forgive us, Father,
for failing to draw courage and hope from Your glorious
Easter Message;
for failing to understand that by the Resurrection Power
of Your Love, Christ has conquered sin and death —
and we are saved!

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