Prayers For Worship October 2015

October 4, 2015
We are one People:
for although we are different from each other, we are fused together by our Father’s Love.
We are one People:
come to celebrate our individual uniqueness
and our unity as God’s children, both.

Penitential Prayer
— we know there are persons among us who desperately need to know there is a way out of the deepest pit of human degradation and despair.

— we know there are persons among us who desperately need to be able to put their trust in someone who can show them the way.

The question is, “Why do we hesitate to lead them out of the pit of despair and show them the way to New Life?”

For our hesitation ministry, Father, we beg
Your forgiveness.

Proclaim God’s Presence!
Rejoice in God’s Presence!
God’s Presence gives us unity;
our unity proclaims His Presence.

October 11, 2015
Jesus calls, and we come …
to feed the mind with the truth of God,
to turn the will to the purpose of God,
to open the heart to the Love of God.

Come, let us follow Jesus to New Life,
in the fellowship of the Kingdom of God.

Penitential Prayer
Lord Jesus,
for our lack of faith in the power of Your leadership,
for our lack of trust in Your Supreme Wisdom,
for our lack of hope in Your Blessed Promises,
for our lack of resolve in carrying out Your Sacred Purposes,
for our lack of conviction in proclaiming Your Gospel of Love,
for our lack of zeal in becoming fishers of men,
forgive us, Lord, for these and all our sins, corporate and individual.

You who now have seen more closely
heard more clearly
understood more fully
honored more faithfully
go now and
love more completely.

October 18, 2015
As the Christ served,
let us serve.
As the Christ sacrificed,
let us sacrifice.
For in such lies the secret
of true greatness.

Penitential Prayer
Forgive us, Lord, not only for doing the wrong things, but also for doing the right things for the wrong reasons. We confess that sometimes we have done good things to gain recognition and esteem.

Our giving has sometimes been adulterated by the desire to receive honor.
Our service has sometimes been prompted by a need for recognition.
Our morality has sometimes been prompted more by the fear of discovery than by a yearning for righteousness.
Give us, Lord, not only the right actions, but the right motives as well.

You who can give
give generously.
You who can listen,
listen sympathetically.
You who can heal,
heal gladly.
You who can help,
help lovingly.

October 25, 2015
Come, let us open our eyes.
Let us see wondrous things in God’s Word,
beautiful things in God’s world,
delightful things in God’s people.

Penitential Prayer
Forgive us, Father, for our failures of sight, for we have often seen only the ugliness around us and have neglected to look at the beautiful.
We have seen only the face, the form, and the figure, and have not seen the beauty of the soul.
We have sought out the rumor and the current report, and we have not bothered to seek out the truth.
We have looked with jealous dismay at the possessions of others, and have failed to see how much we really have.
We have had our eyes wide open to see the faults of others, and have them half closed when we look at our own.
We have gazed so intently at the material, and have perceived so little of the spiritual.

May the God who brought light out of darkness
enlighten your path,
bring you to your destination,
and show beauty all along the way.

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