Bitterness | Church | Compromise | Discipleship | Evangelism | Hate | Prejudice | Worldliness

In reading The Cotton Patch Evidence, a biography of Clarence Jordan, author of the Cotton Patch versions of the New Testament, and founder of Koinonia Farm, I was impressed with the forming influences against prejudice and injustice that came to him as a 12-year-old boy. His father was a prosperous banker and merchant in a small Georgia town and they lived within 100 yards of the Talbot County jail. Jordan was puzzled and pained by the discrepancy he saw between what they were taught in church and Sunday School and the way blacks were treated. Living close to the jail he was able to observe the chain gangs of prisoners, mostly black, and became familiar with the fact that these men were often beaten or put on a stretcher and tortured. “This made tremendous, traumatic impression on me,” he recalled. “It hit me the hardest a night or two after I joined the church during the August…

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