The following item was sent in by Dick Underdahl-Peirce, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Cottage Grove, Minnesota. It is similar in kind to Chapter 15 of Erma Bombeck’s Motherhood: the Second Oldest Profession. Dear First Born: I’ve always loved you best because you were our first miracle. You were the genesis of a marriage and the fulfillment of young love. You sustained us through the hamburger years, the first apartment (furnished in Early Poverty), our first mode of transportation (1955 Feet) and the 7-inch TV we paid on for 36 months. You were new, had unused grandparents, and enough clothes for a set of triplets. You were the original model for a mom and a dad who were trying to work the bugs out. You got the strained lamb, the open safety pins and three-hour naps. You were the beginning. Dear Middle-Child: I’ve always loved you best because you drew a tough spot in the family and it made you stronger for it.…
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