Desire | Forgiveness | Grief | Obedience | Repentance

Some years ago I cut out a cartoon from the Dooley comic strip. It’s about a seven- year-old and the toys in his room — who all talk to each other. There’s one toy doll in the strip who’s a lot like Lucy in Peanuts. She comes up to the jack-in-the-box, named Neville, and offers him a gift, saying “Here’s a cigar for ya, Neville!” Neville says, “No, thanks! Every time you give me a cigar it explodes in my face.” As soon as Neville accuses her of this, she starts weeping and saying “Oh, (sob) how true! I admit that in the past I’ve played cruel tricks on you. But I’ve seen the error of my ways!! And (sob) I’ve seen the hurt look in your eyes when I’ve deceived you! I’ve been wrong. So wrong! Won’t you give a poor repentant girl another chance?” Neville responds, “Of course, my dear.” She bends over, gives him the cigar, lights it…

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