Doubt sees the obstacles,
Faith sees the way.
Doubt sees the darkest night,
Faith sees the day.
Doubt dreads to take a step,
Faith soars high.
Doubt questions, “Who believes?”
Faith answers, “I!”
TV survey-taker A.C. Nielsen tells us that children under age five watch TV an average of 23.5 hours a week. The average high school senior already has experienced 15,000 hours of TV watching — second only to the hours of sleep. TV has confronted the average high school senior with 350,000 commercials. This means that eighteen times or more in a single hour of viewing, the TV Generation is confronted with a call to commitment. An enormous effort is taking place behind that TV screen, creating “hot air” with every known mind-bending technique. The “hot air” is then delivered through the screen for the purpose of making believers. Subtle or otherwise, the bottom line of most commercials is a promise of fulfillment to the…
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