Volunteers For Christ

Make straight the way of the Lord

John 1:23
John 1:6-8, 19-28

Sermon Week/Year

Third Sunday of Advent,

Sermon Topic

Cost of discipleship,

If we claim to be following Jesus Christ and walking in the light of God’s Love, but our lifestyle does not reflect this, we are “liars,” the Apostle John has written. If, by participating in this act of worship, we claim to be Christ’s men and women, and it is not reflected in the way we live, our very presence here is a lie. John puts it to us in this direct way because he wants us to count the cost of the gift of wholeness of life God offers us through Jesus Christ. This does not mean we can buy the gift from God, or bribe Him. If this were so, it would no longer be a gift! Rather, by “cost” we mean that there are certain things we must do to position ourselves to receive the gift.

In today’s Gospel Lesson, as John the Baptist (the other John of the Gospels) prepares the way for Jesus’ coming, he too is greatly concerned…

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