Luke 1:38
Luke 1:26-38
Sermon Week/Year
A Christmas Thought
If there had never been a Christmas
or the Holy Christ Child’s birth,
Or the angels singing in the sky
of promised peace on earth —
What would the world be like today
with no eternal goal?
What would the temporal body be
without a living soul?
What would give us courage
to push on when hope is dead,
Except the Christmas message
and the words our Father said:
“In love I send My only Son
to live and die for you,
And through His resurrection
you will gain a new life too.”1
Early in Matthew’s Gospel it is written,
“Any tree which fails to produce good fruit will be cut down …” (Mt. 3:10).
These strong words of John the Baptist are telling us something important about what it means to be a follower of Christ — what it means to be a Christian.…
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