Matthew 25:21
Matthew 25:14-30 or 25:14-15,19-21
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One of the great things about being a Christian is that as we grow in the faith there are fewer and fewer places in our lives which we are reluctant to let God enter. More and more we are eager to place every aspect of our lives under His rule and under His guidance. And the more we do that, the more real His Presence becomes. Jesus makes this clear to us in many ways. One example is the Gospel story of “The Widow’s Mite.”
The story begins with Jesus seated opposite the Temple treasury watching people making their money offerings. The Gospel writer does not tell us why Jesus was sitting there. Perhaps it was because one can usually find out a lot about who people really are by watching how they handle their money. “Many of the wealthy put in sizable amounts,” Mark tells us. “But one poor widow came and put in two small copper coins worth a few cents” (Mk.…
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