It’s Throw Away Time

And they went with haste

Luke 2:16
Luke 2:16-21

Sermon Week/Year

Octave of Christmas,

Sermon Topic

New Year,

Today’s Gospel Lesson once again tells us the story of how the shepherds reacted to the news of Jesus’ birth. An angel appears to them in the field and tells them that a Savior has been born and that they can find the newborn Babe in a manger. This is “good news,” the angel reassures them. Hearing this, the shepherds don’t waste any time thinking it over or talking it over or wondering what might happen next. They’re too excited for any of that. We can sense an almost childlike attitude in their response as they say to one another, spontaneously, “Let’s go! Let’s go over to Bethlehem and see what’s happening.” And “they went with haste,” Luke tells us, and found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a manger” (Lk. 2:16).

Wouldn’t this new year be a good time for us to embark on the adventure of becoming childlike again? Have you watched little children playing lately? They giggle over the…

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