Intercessors are the powerful ones. Intercessors pray for others until God releases His grace and resources upon them. Intercessors wage spiritual battles with the unseen forces of darkness — and win. Intercessors sometimes rise early, or stay late or get up in the middle of the night — to pray! Intercessors hear God’s voice — not often audibly but certainly within their spirits. They often know in advance that God has answered their prayers. Everything else is just the delivery system. And they believe! The spiritual gift of faith just might be closely linked to prayer. Intercessors claim God’s promises or His inner assurances and keep praying until the answer arrives. Intercessors have bulldog tenacity. They won’t let go until what they know is God’s will comes to fruition. Some have been known to pray for a certain request for years — and then God’s answer arrived. Blessed is the church that has mobilized its intercessors into a powerful army. God’s persistence and…
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