Prayers For Worship November 2010

PRAYERS FOR WORSHIP November 7, 2010
Let us worship the risen and reigning Christ,
who alone is worthy of the praise of our lips and
of the allegiance of our lives.

Penitential Prayer
For the times we have forgotten how much You have done for us,
Lord, have mercy on us.
For the times we did not love,
Christ, have mercy on us.
For the times we have refused to face the truth about ourselves,
Lord, have mercy on us.
For the times we knew the best, but chose the worst,
Christ, have mercy on us.
For the times when evil triumphed, and we said nothing,
Lord, have mercy on us.

Our God is a God of love;
may He bring warmth to your hearts.
Our God is a God of peace;
may He bring serenity to your souls.
Our God is a God of truth;
may He bring certainty to your minds.

PRAYERS FOR WORSHIP November 14, 2010
Keep your heads erect,
your hopes high,
your heart light,
and your spirits soaring!

Every hair of your head is counted.
The God of Love will not abandon you.

Penitential Prayer
Heavenly Father,
We confess that often we become intimidated by events in the political, social and economic areas of our society.
We confess that we have not been …
keeping our heads erect,
our hopes high,
our hearts light,
and our spirits soaring.

We confess that we often are frightened into conformity, even opting for violence as an acceptable means of resolving tensions between individuals and between nations.

Forgive us, Heavenly Father, for turning away from Jesus’ promise …

That Your Kingdom is coming; that nothing can defeat Your plan for our fulfillment; that despite any and all worldly evidence to the contrary notwithstanding, the way of peace and brotherhood and gentility and genuine
caring will prevail!

Forgive us, Heavenly Father, for sometimes feeling abandoned and helpless and without hope.

Forgive us, Heavenly Father, for losing faith in Your promise to be with us always — especially in those times when disaster strikes and chaos abounds.

with heads erect,
with hopes high,
with hearts light,
with spirits soaring,
o that the love you bring into the world will be a clear and convincing sign of the Love of God.

PRAYERS FOR WORSHIP November 21, 2010
Come and hear the Good News:
whoever you are,
whatever you are,
wherever you are,
however you are,
you are a beloved subject of Christ the King —

His unique subject
whom He loves
Come and give thanks to God and praise Him
for this wonderful news.

Penitential Prayer
We confess that Christ is King,
but we bow down to so many false kings.
Especially to the false king, “money,” do we bow down. We know we cannot serve two
masters, but we try.
Oh how we keep trying!

For our idolatry, Lord, we beg Your merciful forgiveness!

We have erred, we have worshiped false idols, we have sinned greviously against the Divine Majesty —
but we can begin again.
because Christ is King,
we can begin again.

PRAYERS FOR WORSHIP November 28, 2010
On this first Sunday of Advent,
we turn our eyes toward Bethlehem,
to which the Son of God came as an infant;
and we turn our eyes toward heaven,
from whence He shall come as the King of Glory.

Penitential Prayer
If we have thought only of ourselves, forgetting the needs of others,
Forgive us, and give us generosity during this Holy Season.
If we have confused our priorities and muddied our goals,
Forgive us, and give us clear vision during this Holy Season.
If we have been preoccupied with ourselves,
Forgive us, and give us love during this Holy Season.
If we have become embroiled in harsh feelings and angry words,
Forgive us, and give us patience during this Holy Season.
If we have become entangled in a maze of worry,
Forgive us, and give us a smile during this Holy Season.

May you be blessed during this Holy Season with the love of the Father who cared enough to send His best; the grace of the Son who walked among us in compassion, and the fellowship of the Spirit who lives with us forever.

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