Matthew 14:14
Isaiah 55:1-3; Psalms 145:8-9,15-18; Romans 8:35,37-39; Matthew 14:13-21
Sermon Week/Year
Miracles? Miracles? Let’s not pretend, they can all be explained from beginning to end. So say the cynics of our time, but what about you? Do you believe in miracles?
The Gospel writers tell us convincingly and without equivocation that Jesus worked many miracles of healing and transformation. He raised Lazarus from the dead. He brought the “ruler’s daughter” back to life. He cured demoniacs and lepers. He gave sight to the blind. He healed the deaf and made cripples walk. He transformed five loaves of bread and two fish into a satisfying meal for more than five thousand people. He constantly amazed the crowds who followed Him with His wondrous works. “Their admiration was unbounded,” Mark tells us (Mk. 7:37). As we read the accounts of Jesus’ miracles we confess our own “admiration,” to put it mildly. We too are moved beyond measure at how the power of Almighty God was revealed in this way through the Lord Jesus.
Jesus had compassion (took…
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