Prayers For Worship September 2017

September 3, 2017
The table of the Lord is set.
The food is prepared and ready.
And we are invited,
but not to a Pollyanish evasion of reality.
We have come
to capture a vision of life as it is,
and what it is to become.

Penitential Prayer
Father we know that Jesus called the Apostle Peter
“Satan” for refusing to face the Master’s imminent death.

Forgive us, Father,
for refusing to face the reality that we all are
moving toward death at every moment.

Forgive us, Father,
for saying, “Let’s change the subject; it’s
too morbid.”

Forgive us, Father,
for our lack of trust in Jesus’ promise
to transform sickness into health,
sorrow into joy,
death into New Life!

Let it be known that God loves each of us.
Let it be known that all, therefore, are worthy of
each other’s love.
Let it be known that though we should die, we will
come to life.
Let this be known in Jesus’ Name.

September 10, 2017
Come and learn what it is that God is doing in the whole human community.

Come and discover the ways of salvation.

Penitential Prayer
Father, forgive us for drifting from Your way of salvation:
by judging others harshly;
by not trying to understand and self-righteously condemning others;
by refusing to acknowledge that the road to sanctity is open to sinners only.

Christ brings out the very best in us.
Christ sends us out to light up the way of salvation
with the sparkle of our hope and
the light of our love.

September 17, 2017
Draw close to Jesus that you may see, understand and celebrate in this worship experience, the true meaning of forgiveness.

Penitential Prayer
We are sinners, Lord,
forgive us our self-righteousness;
forgive us our half-hearted efforts to understand
the problems of others;
forgive us all those times when we are “too busy”
to listen;
forgive us our unkindness to other human beings;
forgive us our exploitations of other human beings.

Your sins are forgiven you,
all praise and glory to God.

Go forth, praising, and glorifying God
by reconciling broken friendships;
by enriching friendships.

September 24, 2017
Good things happen in this worship experience.
You feel the light in your life as never before.
You find new insights, new hope, new approaches
to problems.
You can find new levels of understanding of

Penitential Prayer
who profess certain values in Church
and discard them on the way out,
beg forgiveness, Lord.

who speak boldly
but whose loving deeds are few,
beg forgiveness, Lord.

who reject Your teaching that
“the last shall be first and the first shall be last,”
beg forgiveness, Lord.

God calls,
we come.
God sends,
we go.
God commands,
we obey.

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