Christmas | Gifts | Giving

“God loves a cheerful giver” (II Corinthians 9:7).

The young native boy on a remote Pacific island listened carefully as the missionary teacher explained why it is that Christians give presents to each other on Christmas

Day. “The gift is an expression of our joy over the birth of Jesus and our friendship for each other,” she said.

When Christmas Day came, the boy brought the teacher a sea shell of lustrous beauty. “Where did you ever find such a beautiful shell?” the teacher asked as she gently fingered the gift.

The youth told her that there was only one spot where such extraordinary shells could be found. When he named the place, a certain bay several miles away, the teacher was left speechless.

“Why … why, it’s gorgeous … wonderful, but you shouldn’t have gone all that way to get a gift for me.”

His eyes brightening, the boy answered, “Long walk part of gift.”

Bath, G.H., “Guideposts Christmas Treasury” (adapted).

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