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“The Spirit has explicitly said… there will be some who will desert the faith and choose to listen to deceitful spirits” (I Timothy 4:1).

One Sunday morning, Helena, a member of the Providence, Rhode Island Women’s
Club, sat in Church and listened intently to the Gospel Lesson:

A man who is deaf and has a speech impediment is brought before the Lord. Jesus is asked to use His healing power to cure these defects. He takes the man aside and puts His fingers into the man’s ears. Then Jesus spits and touches the man’s tongue. Then, looking up to heaven, he says “Ephphata” (“Be opened”) and, immediately, a transformation takes place: the man can hear clearly and speak plainly.

Helena was deeply moved by that Bible story. The next day, Helena went to a fundraising “carnival” staged for the benefit of the Women’s Club. One of the events took place in a tent which had been set up for a medium to conduct seances.…

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