Laughter | Bible | Word

“In the beginning was the Word; the Word was with God and the Word was God” (John 1:1).

In a book of essays inspired by the Book of Psalms, one writer recalls that, as a child, she would run through the living room of a friend’s home to where a colorful clown mask hung on the wall. It was called a “Laughing Box,” she says…

Underneath the grinning chin dangled a fine, silver cord with a shiny black ball on its end. When the cord was slightly pulled, hilarious laughter echoed throughout the house. The cackles and chortles coming from the clown were contagious. Everyone would join in with gales of laughter until we were all out of control, bursting with belly roars. It was magical.

Today, I live in a more complicated world. Some tasks seem so tedious. Others overwhelm me. Daily encounters often shake the foundations of my inner-peace, my ability to rejoice. Sometimes I stand alone, rejected by a friend or neighbor…

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