Revenge | Eye for an Eye

“You have heard that it was said, ’An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’…But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:38,44).

Late one night, a cheerful truck driver pulled up to a road-side diner for some refreshment. As he was eating, three wild-looking motorcyclists roared up to the diner ’s entrance. The atmosphere became tense as they stalked in, wearing dirty leather jackets and demonic tattoos. Immediately, they selected the truck driver as the target of

their meanness. One poured salt and pepper on his head. Another took his apple pie, placed it on the floor and squashed it under a dirty boot. The third upset his coffee, causing it to spill in his lap. The truck driver said not a word. He merely arose, walked slowly to the cashier, calmly paid his check and made his exit. “That dude sure ain’t much of a fighter,” sneered one of the invaders. The…

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