Children’s Sunday Sermon
March 17, 2024

Children’s Sunday Sermon
March 17, 2024

Good morning, boys and girls. Have you ever been disobedient to your parents or your teachers? Of course, you have. Every single member of our Christian family sometimes does the wrong thing. Maybe you forgot to do your chores around the house — or watched television instead of doing your homework. Maybe you weren’t as nice as you should have been to a friend or a family member. Sometimes, it is harder to do the right thing than the wrong thing.

But guess what, boys and girls? God has promised that if we are obedient and if we do the right thing, even though it may seem hard, we will be rewarded.

I know it’s not easy to say you are sorry — or to be a friend to a child that everyone else is picking on. Maybe you’ve known someone who was feeling bad, and instead of opening your heart to that person, you decided you didn’t feel like it.

Now think of this. Every time you do a good thing, you are being obedient to God. And every act of obedience is just like planting a seed. You may not notice right away but when you plant a seed of friendship, or kindness, or honesty, or generosity, or forgiveness, or happiness, into someone else’s heart — it will begin to grow. And before you know it, you will be planting seeds wherever you go, and the more they grow, the happier you and everyone around you will be.

Have you ever heard the story about a man named Johnny Appleseed? It’s a true story about a poor apple farmer who lived in Pennsylvania. He wanted to help his friends and neighbors who were moving West, but he was too poor to help them with money. So, guess what he did? He took a big bag of apple seeds that he had and started planting them along the roads and in the farms where the people he wanted to help were traveling. And before he knew it his seeds turned into thousands and thousands of apple trees to feed many hungry people. And that made them very happy.