SHORT SHOTS Kindness is the oil that takes friction out of life.
Sermon Illustrations
Kind words are short to speak, but their echoes are endless.
KINDNESS: A first class mistake is to treat anyone as a second class person.
KINDNESS: The best exercise is stooping down and lifting up another.
JUDGED BY HIS OWN HAND It was Christmas time and the house was filled to the seams with family and friends. Tyler, a six year old, had received a plastic "HE-MAN" sword and he was…
BAD TASTE "Escalante, Utah - At the sawmill... a secretary sells T-Shirts emblazoned with a recipe for 'Logger's Stew.' Among the ingredients: '4 large, well-plucked spotted owls, 3 finely chopped peregrine falcons and 2 well-beaten…
HOW YOU SAY IT The story is told of an immigrant who came to America from Europe. He intended for his wife and children to join him as soon as he was settled and had…
KINDNESS ADMIRED When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people. Abraham Joshua Herschel, quoted by Harold S. Kushner in When All You've Ever Wanted Isn't Enough
SEE AND DO THE NEEDFUL David Wells, M.D., a recent graduate of McGill University, volunteered his services as a physician to the Canadian "Peace Corps" and was sent to a remote area of Kenya in…
SALT AND SUGAR OF THE EARTH You are the salt of the earth, but remember, the world needs some sugar too.
Kindness/Eschatology/Future/Attitude/Second Coming: ROYAL TREATMENT Marsha became a hostess at the Mariott hotel in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She'd been on the job for just about a week when the word came: Mr. Mariott is coming here to…
GRANDMA'S GLASSES One day two little boys were playing, and one asked the other, "wouldn't you hate to wear glasses all the time?" The other little boy responded, "No-o-o, not if I had the kind…
KIND WORDS BETTER THAN WIT A word of kindness is seldom spoken in vain, while witty sayings are as easily lost as pearls slipping from a broken string.
KINDNESS ECHOES Speak all kind words and you will hear kind echoes.
TRY KINDNESS TO BE A WINNER There was a sheep raising farmer. Next to him there was another farmer who was raising wheat, children and large dogs. The dogs were scaring the sheep. The sheep…
COMPLIMENTS REMEMBERED From the October, 1991 issue of Reader's Digest comes the story told by Helen P. Mrosla, a Nun in St. Mary's school in Morris, Minnesota. Trying one day to teach "New Math" to…
TRUTH, JUSTICE AND THE AMERICAN WAY In 1933 two young men, Joe Schuster and Jerry Siegel, created a comic strip for a publishing company in New York. Money was hard to come by in those…
FIGHT FOR KINDNESS The Sunday School Teacher asked her small pupils to tell about their acts of kindness to helpless animals. After several heart-stirring stories, the teacher asked Tommy if he had anything to add.…
THE WAY THE GOLDEN RULE WORKS As a young boy in elementary school, I had a rubber knife -- this was before the days of plastic. This knife was a dagger type of knife with…
FROM THISTLES TO FLOWERS Kindness is the only service that will stand the storm of life and not wash out. It will wear well and be remembered long after the prism of politeness or the…